Accelerate the Coaching Process with the Power of the Collaborative KI Team.
Lisa Withrow
Lisa Withrow is a Gestalt Coach, a veteran international presenter for leadership and innovative learning, and is an active leader of cross-cultural immersion experiences in Russia, Central America, southern Africa, and Europe. Lisa’s presentations offer to widen and deepen persons’ perspectives about local and global connections.
Lisa has more than 20 years of successful leadership experience, ranging from customer interface in a family-owned business to executive-level experience in academia: director of programs, dean, and vice president, with responsibilities in strategic planning, team oversight, program development, budget management, and directing transitions within organizations, with individual leaders, including attention to conflict resolution and intercultural group dynamics.
As a coach, Lisa improves strategic focus and accelerates the development of leaders and teams. She coaches for performance improvement and competency-building, facilitates scenario-building for emerging futures, and brings a unique perspective to how internal and external partnerships can be leveraged creatively. Strategic understanding of stakeholders, emerging challenges, and promising trends aid her in this work.
With a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies and three certificates from Cornell University’s S.C. Johnson School of Management in Executive Leadership, High-Performance Leadership, and Change Leadership, Lisa has an up-to-date portfolio of trends, research, and challenges facing the worlds of business and higher education.
She also provides insight about the intersection of research on leadership excellence and business needs. Additional training includes use of Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Theological Worlds, and Qualified Administrator status for the Inter-cultural Development Inventory (IDI).
Lisa’s home base is Columbus, Ohio.