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Roderick Allen

Roderick (Rod) Allen, (MSOD, GPHR, PCC) contributes over 25 years of human resources experience in a variety of professional backgrounds encompassing financial services, technology, consumer goods, and health industries. Prior to working as a consultant for Kinetic Insights, Rod worked at wide-reaching companies such as New York Life International, Avon Products, Headspace, Smith & Nephew, The Wonderful Company, and Blue Shield of California.

In both young and established companies, Rod has been able to enhance the productivity of the businesses by building teams that operate efficiently and at a high level. At New York Life International, Rod led the creation of strategic and cultural alignment across multiple operating companies. While at Avon Products, he partnered with the global supply chain leadership to re-align roles and streamline the function. Rod has built and implemented systems to reward performance and drive growth at startups and global companies alike. He currently works with a large not-for-profit health plan to integrate and grow a recently acquired business, working with the leadership of that business to enhance the capacity of its leaders and ensure a positive employee experience.

Rod has proven the ability to grow a business from the ground up, or to enhance it by building onto an existing foundation. He holds a B.S. degree in Education from Northwestern University and obtained a M.S. degree from American University in Organization Development. Rod is also a faculty member at Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio where he previously trained in Organizational and Systems Development as well as Group Process Consulting.  Rod holds a Coach Certification from the Gestalt Institute Study Center and also holds an International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential.

Bringing a wide range of knowledge to our team at Kinetic Insights, Rod’s excellent track record proves that he is more than capable of improving a company of any current size and standing.

Rod’s home base is Los Angeles, California.

Roderick (Rod) Allen
Roderick (Rod) AllenLeadership Coach
Rod Allen, (MSOD, GPHR, PCC) contributes over 25 years of human resources experience in a variety of professional backgrounds encompassing financial services, technology, consumer goods, and health industries.

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