(614) 562-9052               info@kineticinsights.com

We believe in your greatness.

We partner with leaders and their teams to help them unleash their greatness because rapid change is a necessity in today’s world.

By nurturing higher awareness of self and others, we develop collaboration, effective leadership and participation in teams.

Change management that is led by certified coaches results in significant returns on your investment.

We are committed to making sure that our customers have the right coach for each coaching engagement.  In order to do this, we offer a single source of certified professional coaches with a wide variety of skills and expertise.  All of our coaches have significant business experience, and many have held executive-level positions in various industries.


Productivity Improvement in Work Performance


Productivity Improvement in Business Management Skills


Return On Investment in Coaching

Source: International Coaching Federation and BE/Metrix Global Research.

Our coaching process is the foundation of our success.

All Kinetic Insights coaches follow our foundational process to clearly define the objectives along the way.

Discovery helps us understand where we start and establish where you want to go.

Engagement is the stage in which we map the details of the journey.

Integration begins the journey by creating solid new strategies.

Acceleration builds and builds and builds and builds.

The first thing we do in any coaching situation is work to fully understand the current state and establish a baseline. We do this through a variety of tools and questions that are tailored to your specific situation. Next, we work together to develop and effectively define what you want the future to look like using words and visuals that make sense for your specific needs.

Our second stage is heavily weighted with measurement and analysis. We will help you to identify strengths, barriers to achieving your goals, and gaps in skills or resources that you will need to be successful. These elements become the milestones on our roadmap for success.

Stage three aligns your new strategies and roadmap with your established systems, processes, and expectations. We coach you on how to better play to your strengths and build a culture of accountability. This is the stage in which you execute sustainable change strategies.

Our final stage of the Kinetic Insights coaching process is focused on building speed. We refine the roadmap from key learning along the early part of the journey. We focus on aggressively overcoming barriers, pursuing results, and celebrating success.

The KI Process

When you are ready to energize your organization and unleash your greatness, contact us for a confidential consultation.

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