We find lasting satisfaction by understanding our unique patterns – our Talents.

Don’t complain about what you don’t have.  Use what you’ve got.  To do less than your best is a sin.”
~  Oprah Winfrey

The Gallup Organization conducted 2 million interviews around excellence. From this wealth of knowledge they extracted the 34 most prevalent themes of human talent, defined by them as “special natural abilities or aptitudes”. These patterns of human talent are created by connections in our brains known as synapses that develop before and shortly after we are born. So when we are born, our talents are already waiting for us to develop them into strengths.

Marcus Buckingham, author, and Donald Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research and Education Center, say that to excel in your chosen field you need to find lasting satisfaction by understanding your unique patterns. You need to become an expert in finding, describing, applying, practicing and refining your talent themes into true strengths. To help us define our talents, they developed a tool, StrengthFinders, that allows us to articulate our top 5 talent themes.

Strengths are not to be confused with behaviors. Our strengths are things like our ingrained thought process in solving a problem, our strategy for communicating with others, or our approach to how we see our day. Understanding our talent themes helps us to develop these talents more fully into true strengths.  Our strengths can then become something we do near perfectly every time. When applied to our life situations, strengths allow us to be more productive and excel in our journey.

At Kinetic Insights, our PathFinders are skilled in helping leaders unleash the greatness in themselves and in their organizations. Call or email us for a quick discussion that just might put you and your team on the path to significant change.

Gail A. Froelicher is Founder, CEO and PathFinder of Kinetic Insights, LLC. For over 11 years, Gail and her team of PathFinders have journeyed with their customers to forge successful paths in rapidly changing business environments.
