The life of a career woman is a juggling act that includes heavy responsibility at work, non-stop meetings, business travel, along with managing the daily responsibilities of life and home. The natural outcome is burnout: stress, guilt, and performance gaps – somewhere. This highly interactive program provides practice and tools that create a framework to help you re-engineer your work style to put you on the path from burnout to balance.
Women are the backbone of our society. We are both bread winners and bread bakers. Managing the delicate balance of work and life, while focusing on growing your career to the next level seems like an insurmountable task. We often experience burnout.
Stress turns into burnout when we suffer a loss of physical and emotional resources too great to replace. Typical burnout triggers include overwhelming workload, lack of support or reward at work and at home, interpersonal conflict, loss of control, and a sense that nothing you do makes a difference, With women it also, invariably, includes guilt.
This interactive session will engage you in a learning journey to prevent burnout. You will walk away with valuable tools that will aide you in increasing your productivity while aligning to your personal values. Strategic exercises will help you to build a practical plan to put first things first and create laser focus on getting the right things done. You will learn how to let go of the need to be perfect at everything. As Lao Tzu said, “He who is brave in daring will be killed. He who is brave in not daring will survive.” Opting out of esteem-based workaholism is the real home of the brave. Research shows it also improves productivity, which gets hammered by burnout. Strategies to manage a career focused on growth while eliminating the ‘noise’ and distraction of the ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’ will lead to higher performance. Learn stress management techniques targeted to help you function at a higher level. The session will be segmented into the following:
Understand what life balance looks like for YOU
Understand what consumes your time and identify your personal energy leaks.
Determine your personal values
Become crystal clear on what is important to you in both work and life. Begin the process of a personal values statement that will guide your decision making.
Set priorities based on what you value
Setting your top three priorities based on your values becomes a framework for focusing on the right things in both work and life.
Learn how to say no and how to let go of the guilt associated with saying it. By following a clear set of priorities you can learn how to say no to time wasters and things that aren’t adding value to your work or your life.
Get more done in less time
Build attention and focus and learn to control information overload. We are inundated with all forms of electronic stimulus. Learn what that does to your brain and determine your own personal coping strategies on how to get out of information overload and to ‘Get Things Done’ more effectively.
Reframe stress so it doesn’t bite
A combination of real-time techniques and work-life balance strategies will help you to manage stress before it turns to burnout. Create simple strategies that can be used in the work place that will allow you to manage stress in the moment.
At Kinetic Insights, our PathFinders are skilled in helping leaders unleash the greatness in themselves and in their organizations. Call or email us for a quick discussion that just might put you and your team on the path to significant change.
Gail A. Froelicher is Founder, CEO and PathFinder of Kinetic Insights, LLC. For over 11 years, Gail and her team of PathFinders have journeyed with their customers to forge successful paths in rapidly changing business environments.
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